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Who is GoneRogue4Vogue? 


Hello- I’m Arianna Dessart, a new artist here!! 

I do collage art, while combining street fashion and high fashion to create something edgy and unique. As of right now, I am based near Minneapolis, MN-soon to be Chicago! I have been introduced into the fashion industry for a while now through modeling, styling, and assisting! I knew that if I followed my family’s history of artists, it had to be something connected to fashion. 


How GR4V started- 


My craze for magazines started when I was constantly flying back and forth from MSP, to ORD. Every flight I would pick up a vogue magazine- hint the name. Reading vogue’s new issue gave me so much excitement, I knew I had to channel that excitement somewhere. I got the idea to start collaging using these magazines I had collected. It started out as a hobby to release stress, and then shortly turned into something beautiful and raw. The thing I love about collaging is there’s no pressure to fit into any level of perfectionism, it’s really just a process of what continues to catch your eye. I am so beyond excited to see where this takes me, I can’t wait to start this first chapter w/GR4V!!! 

it’s just the beginning… 



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